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Paper-I (Introduction to Sociology)
Paper-I (Sociology - The Discipline)
Paper-I (Sociology as Science)
Paper-I (Research Methods and Analysis)
Paper-I (Sociological Thinkers)
Paper-I (Stratification and Mobility)
Paper-I (Works and Economic Life)
Paper-I (Politics and Society)
Paper-I (Religion and Society)
Paper-I (Systems of Kinship)
Paper-I (Social Change in Modern Society)
Paper-II (Perspectives on the Study of Indian Society)
Paper-II (Impact of Colonial Rule on Indian Society)
Paper-II (Rural and Agrarian Social Structure)
Paper-II (Caste System)
Paper-II (Tribal Communities in India)
Paper-II (Social Classes in India)
Paper-II (Systems of Kinship in India)
Paper-II (Religion and Society)
Paper-II (Visions of Social Change in India)
Paper-II (Rural and Agrarian Transformation in India)
Paper-II (Industrialization and Urbanisation in India)
Paper-II (Politics and Society)
Paper-II (Social Movements in Modern India)
Paper-II (Population Dynamics)
Paper-II (Challenges of Social Transformation)
Important Miscellaneous topics
Question Paper Discussion (Paper-1)
Question Paper Discussion (Paper-2)