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Approach and Introduction to Modern History
Advent of Europeans
Decline of Mughals
British Expansion
Early Structure of the British Raj
Major Tribal Uprisings
Revolt of 1857
Changes in the Administration after 1857
Socio-Religious Reform Movements
Early Phase of Indian National Congress
Extremist Phase of Indian National Congress
Revolutionary Activities Before 1920
Early Gandhian Phase
Khilafat and NCM
Swarajists and No-Changers
Revolutionary Activity During 1920s - 1930s
Civil Disobedience Movement
Congress Rule (1937-39)
Indian Independence Movement (1940-47)
Economic Impact of British Rule
Development of Modern Education
Development of Indian Press
Peasant Uprisings
Prelims PYQs
Introduction to Post Independent India
Initial Challenges
Nehru Years
Shastri Years
Indira Gandhi Years
Rajiv Gandhi Years
Relations with neighbouring Countries
Political Parties of India
History Assessments