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Paper -I(Introduction to Optional History)
Paper -I (Sources)
Paper -I (Pre-History and Proto-History)
Paper -I (Indus Valley Civilization)
Paper -I (Megalithic Cultures)
Paper -I (Aryans and Vedic Period)
Paper -I (Period of Mahajanapadas)
Paper -I (Mauryan Empire)
Paper -I (Post-Mauryan Period )
Paper -I (Early State and Society in Eastern India, Deccan and South India)
Paper -I (Guptas, Vakatakas and Vardhanas)
Paper -I (Regional States during Gupta Era)
Paper -I (Themes in Early Indian Cultural History)
Paper -I (Cultural Traditions in India, 750-1200)
Paper -I (The 13th Century)
Paper -I (The 14th Century)
Paper -I (Society, Culture and Economy (13th and 14th Centuries)
Paper -I (Political Developments and Economy (15th and Early 16th Century)
Paper -I (Society and Culture (15th and Early 16th Century)
Paper -I (Beginning of the Mughal Empire)
Paper -I (Akbar)
Paper -I (Mughal Empire in 17th century)
Paper -I (Economy and Society, in 16th and 17th Centuries)
Paper -I (Culture during Mughal Empire)
Paper -I (18th Century)
Paper -II (European Penetration into India)
Paper -II (British Expansion in India)
Paper -II (Early Structure of the British Raj)
Paper -II (Economic Impact of British Colonial Rule)
Paper -II (Social and Cultural Developments)
Paper -II (Social and Religious Reform Movements in Bengal and Other Areas)
Paper -II (Indian Response to British Rule)
Paper -II ( Indian Nationalism Phase I)
Paper -II (Indian Nationalism Phase II)
Paper -II (Constitutional Developments Between 1858 and 1935)
Paper -II (Other Strands in the National Movement:)
Paper -II (Politics of Separatism)
Paper -II (Consolidation as a Nation)
Paper -II (Caste and Ethnicity after 1947)
Paper -II (Economic Development and Political Change)
Paper -II (Enlightenment and Modern Ideas)
Paper -II (Origins of Modern Politics)
Paper -II (Industrialization)
Paper -II (Nation-State System)
Paper -II (Imperialism and Colonialism)
Paper -II (Revolution and Counter-Revolution)
Paper -II (World Wars)
Paper -II (The World after World War II)
Paper -II (Liberation from Colonial Rule)
Paper -II (Decolonization and Underdevelopment)
Paper -II (Unification of Europe)
Paper -II (Disintegration of Soviet Union and the Rise of the Unipolar World)